sâmbătă, 7 ianuarie 2017

To my best friend.

Dear G.,

Happy Birthday!!!
I've thought long about this message before I started writing. I have also deleted some words and added others. Wow, 22, huh? And you say it is not such a big deal.. Well, it is for me 'cause I'm not going to let you forget this moment. Nor others as a matter of fact. You've showed me that the door to happiness was still open when I only saw bars and darkness and now it's my turn to take you with me through that door.

I never thanked God so much... you know, for bringing a special human like you into my life. We all have our flaws, normally, but I feel -most of the time- that I don't deserve you. G., I THANK YOU for everything you do for me, but for your patience I have the utmost gratitude. You deserve the world, yeah you do; I have never seen the depth of your little big soul, which amazes me. Well, I can't offer you the world -literally-, but what I can do is share my life, adventures and love with you. I have so much to give and I am glad to have met a person like you to give it to.

One might say you are goals. Never underestimate yourself. I could say a million things about you, but words are futile compared to what I really feel and think. Here are some words that might do you justice:

A- Amazing
B- Baby
C- Caring
D- Determined
E- Elegant
F- Fancy
G- Good
H- Honest
I- Important
J- Jealous (haha)
K- Kind
L- Loyal
M- Mine 'cause I'm jealous too <3
N- Neat
O- Outgoing
P- Pretty
Q- Quick-minded
R- (Un)Reasonable =))
S- Spoiled :)
T- Trustworthy
U- Unique
V- Vibrant
X- The x to my factor of friendship XOXO
Y- Young
Z- Sorry, could not think of a word with Z :(

You already know -hopefully- how important you are to me. Even though you make me feel uneasy sometimes and jealous and mad and angry and unwanted and everything else...DAMN, I LOVE YOU. I DO. I feel like I know you so much.

1.Thank you for the messages.
2.Thank you for the patience.
3.Thank you for being you.
4.Thank you for the memories.
5.Thank you for the smiles.
6.Thank you for making me see the world through a baby's eyes.
7.Thank you for the laughs.
8.Thank you for being loyal.
9.Thank you for the support.
10.Thank you for the compliments.
11.Thank you for caring.
12.Thank you believing in me.
13.Thank you for our walks at night.
14.Thank you for the snapchat videos.
15.Thank you for the reality checks.
16.Thank you for the tears.
17.Thank you for sharing my love for KFC.
18.Thank you for sharing my interest in hot guys.
19.Thank for your baby voice.
20.Thank you for the songs.
21.Thank you for giving me strength.
22.Thank you for loving me!!! <3

22 things I'm thankful for, for your 22 years of life.

HAPPY B'DAY, my little Hamster. Enjoy life, breathe, sing, laugh, crawl if you must. Oh, and never leave my side.

Forever your bff,
A. ^_^


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